My uncle needs a passport to get medical attention in another country and the government is making it really difficult  to get passport. My uncle could die if he doesn't get the transplant surgery soon. My dad know people who could make a fake passport so my uncle could leave the country. My dad went to get the passport,but it was too late, my uncle died before he cold get medical attention.
My family and I went to celebrate my aunt's newborn secretly with some home made alcohol. Doing illegal things behind the government can be dangerous. I don't understand that we can't celebrate and have fun for once.
I hate how we can't listen to music from other counties. It's a good thing that we have black markets to secretly buy and listen to them. My mother luckily doesn't know that I went to the black market to get some tapes of Kim Wilde and Camel. I love living a life by making your own decisions and not being force to. 
My mother and father just came back from their trip. My mother bought me a denim jacket, Nike shoes and a Michael Jackson button. I also went out to get two tapes from the black market. For an Iranian mother, my mom was very permissive. I feel proud of being a rebel.   
Today, at school we were told we had to wear veils. I don't understand why I have to wear this veil. I felt confused because I don't see the point of wearing it. After school my friends and I were playing with the veils. We were using them to fan ourselves and play jump rope. They also separated my classmates. Boys and girls were not allowed to be in the same class anymore. 

    Marjane Satrapi

    Hi, my name is Marjane, I was born on November 22, 1969 in Rasht, Iran. I was 9 years old when the Iran Revolution started. 


    January 2014

